- Dave Schools
Stage Video Upgrades, New Custom Branding, Spanish, Poll Improvements, and More
Before we get to the feature updates, you might be interested in reading our latest blog post:
13 Tips for Successful Virtual Events from Team Hopin
Our team gathered takeaways on what makes a virtual event successful from working with fantastic organizers like you. Check out the blog post to read Team Hopin's top tips!
Here is what's new this week on Hopin:
Hopin now supports Spanish as a display language.
Attendees can translate their Hopin event into Spanish by selecting Spanish from the Languages menu (you can find this by clicking your profile image in the top right corner of the screen).
We made accessibility improvements:
Hopin now announces the logical regions of the app to screen reader users so they have a better sense of where they are in the event.
Users can now navigate to all event areas using the navigation bar and a screen reader.
We fixed the Stage to be consistently crystal clear.
We heard from our users that the Stage had some blurriness at times and A/V sync issues for some users, so we updated our video player software that powers the Stage and the result is a much clearer picture and consistent higher resolution.
Poll options now show up in the same order you create them.
Now your poll will display as
Option A
Option B
Option C
...instead of
Option C
Option B
Option A
Hey, life is about the small victories, right?
New testimonials webpage
Just in case you missed it, there's a new page on our website — https://hopin.to/testimonials — where people say nice things about us 💙.
The "Happening Now" tiles in your event can now be changed (requires Enterprise plan)
If you have the Advanced Branding feature on your account, you can now edit the color of the "What's happening now" tiles on your Reception page. Look for it under Advanced Settings on the Design tab of your event dashboard.
Custom CSS and custom fonts! (requires Enterprise plan)
Notice anything different about this event's font?
Yep, it's customized!
But that's not all you can do.
If you're a web designer with CSS/HTML ninja skills, you can do creative things in your Hopin event, like this:
24 July, 2020 - Loom Recording
You can do this by adding your own code to the Custom CSS field at the bottom of the Advanced Settings in the Design tab of your Hopin event dashboard.
Note: This feature is not available for Early Access plans.
Note for Pro users: interested in upgrading to get Advanced Branding? Reach out to your sales rep to inquire about pricing, or message sales@hopin.to.
Coming up in August:
Significant improvements and features are being added to the Expo area and vendor booths.
Easier/faster schedule building.
That's all for now! Thanks for reading.