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New: General Announcement and GIF Support

AUTHOR: The Hopin Events team

Happy Tuesday! We have some exciting new product features to share with you, so let's jump right in.

Your virtual venue now has a PA system with General Announcement

General Announcement.png

Your virtual bullhorn is here.

We’ve streamlined event-wide communication so organizers can make instant announcements to all online attendees.

Want to highlight a particular event segment? Announce the results of a raffle? Remind attendees about the Expo area?

With General Announcement you can create and post live announcements that are visible throughout the virtual venue (just like the “Voice of God” for an in-person event).

Learn more.

In-chat GIFs are here!

GIF Support.png

Hopin’s event chat just got a lot more animated.

Now attendees can express themselves and unleash their creativity by using GIFs in the event chat.

Learn more.

Security Update

To ensure the security of all Hopin accounts, we require all Hopin account holders to update their passwords to meet our new safety criteria:

  • Minimum of 10 characters

  • At least 1 special character required

  • At least 1 numerical character required

  • At least 1 alphabetic character required

Starting on September 5th, all passwords will need to meet these criteria. Hopin users won’t be able to access their account or join an event until they update their passwords.

What else are we working on?

Here’s a sneak peek of some upcoming launches:

  • Validar integration: By integrating with Validar, we’ll provide a flexible way to encourage attendee engagement by setting scores based on specific event activities.

  • Calendar invitation for confirmed registrations: Registered attendees will automatically receive a calendar invite, making it easier for them to add an event to their individual calendar – and ultimately improving turnout.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

-Team Hopin

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